Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Zone Therapy


Dolores kept notes on just about everything, not just the more mundane things such as daily “to do” lists and her daily planning, but her impressions from her various experiments in life and in thinking.

I found one notebook that she kept to chronicle her work with zone therapy. Zone-therapy can be described as a finger acupuncture to the feet. Dolores attended a Spiritual Studies class on this topic on Sunday April 10, 1988. This is what she had to say:

“During the Spiritual Studies Zone Therapy Lesson, I pressed on the area noted as ‘pineal.’ It hurt. I felt odd for a few moments but kept pressing. Awhile later, when Christopher and I arrived at the Flea Market [Dolores and I somewhat regularly sold things at various local flea markets], I suddenly realized I was experiencing a range of information about people and things that I didn’t have normal access to. In the same ‘way’ that I know details about my personal friends and belongings, I ‘knew’ details about strange people and objects.

“I ‘knew’ one person had children, for example. Another person caused me to recoil because their personal atmosphere was repellant. I ‘knew about’ strangers as if they were familiar. Items-for-sale were also familiar. I felt that a coffee grinder that Christopher wanted to buy had ‘a bad atmosphere’ – maybe it had been in a bar.

“This broader-range of information was disconcerting but I acted with the idea that this information was only for myself, as it this were just more of my working fund of details.

“I went to the hot dog stand, and the server looked real kinky, and I wondered to myself if I might get a disease from the food he handled. Another person approached while I was standing there and he said, ‘Any healthy food here?’ and the server said, ‘No, just good old American junk.’ I took this as a direct instruction to my doubts, and I left immediately.

“There were other instances of this ‘unusual information,’ then, after awhile, I seemed to return to ‘normal.’”

Wow! This kind of thing became somewhat “normal” as we would practice zone-therapy, and many, many of the other disciplines we were taught through our Spiritual Studies classes. What is the explanation? Could it be that the stimulation of the pineal zone on the foot released some chemicals which caused Dolores’ brain to perceive more?

I have had similar – though not identical—experiences when I received zone therapy. In my case, the zone therapy resulted in a heightened perspective, even a feeling of timelessness.

Dolores would use one of the standard charts on the subject. The one that Dolores kept handy was called “Rainbow-Coded Foot Reflexology Chart” published by Inner Light Resources from Tampa, Florida. The chart shows the bottom of a foot, divided into sections, with each section corresponding to some part of the body.

Here are the instructions for doing zone-therapy, as written in Dolores’ notebook:

1. State aloud to therapee what area you’re working on, or searching for.
2. Take charge of the foot you’re working on. Place it where it’s best for you to focus.
3. Consciously make every finger movement one of Conscious Upliftment.
4. Key to Zone Therapy: direct application of intense pressure directly on the junctions and meridians (that is, inches-along meridians, rather than “rubbing the feet”).
5. Use ch’i flow through the fingers.
6. Relax the fingers.
7. Use the fingernails as needles.
8. Use opposing fingers.
9. Wean-from any need to use a lubricant. Must practice directing will to have body-oils flow where and when needed.
10. Work to bring Zone Therapy into the realm of Real Thinking. Tell therapee “focus on glow of radiant healthy energy flooding into the body part I’m working on.”

In Dolores Zone Therapy notebook, I found some notes written by her teacher. There was a cartoon of the bottom of a happy foot, which had a big smiley face and was dancing. Underneath this foot were the words “stress control.” The teacher, Kina’u, suggested that Dolores work with others to begin dealing with stress control via Zone Therapy. Kina’u emphasized that it should not be a disguised “foot massage,” but that it should follow the above guidelines, and literally make the feet happy.

Kina’u added that when one is doing Zone Therapy properly, it is “for the Self,” not “for the other person.” In other words, he wrote, “if my fingers, with their zones, are pressing against someone else’s toe, with their zones, who, in reality, is ‘getting a Zone Therapy’ and who, in reality, is ‘giving a Zone Therapy’?”

Needless to say, there is much more to the science of Zone Therapy. Reading Dolores’ old notebook brought me back in touch with the path of natural science that so much of our “modern world” has rejected, and continues to scoff at.

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