Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Considering Palm Sunday and Easter...

[Nyerges is the author of numerous books such as “Extreme Simplicity,” “How to Survive Anywhere,” and others. He can be reached at www.Schoolof or Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041]

It is a time that millions of people the world over look forward to – the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.  What day is that, you ask?  Easter, the day (and season) that Christians worldwide commemorate the trial, death, and resurrection from the dead of Jesus. 

I grew up in a Catholic family, going to a Catholic school, and know well the Easter motif, beginning with the “giving something up” for Lent, and then Palm Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey (in fulfillment of scriptures).  When Jesus turned over the tables of the vendors, he sealed his fate because he attacked the god of most eras, money.  Though Jesus had been welcome to speak in the Temple, he was still regarded by those priests as an upstart, someone who seemed to know “the Truth” in a way that they had forgotten, a man who didn’t have the Temple training and no formal training to become a Rabbi.  Yet, there he was, in all his innocence, attracting crowds, purporting to heal, seeming to organically know the answers to life’s deepest questions. His trial and death were almost predictable, as most societies do not like the rabble-rousers among them. 

Every Easter I have enjoyed the inspiring messages that movie-makers have given us in their efforts to interpret the practical meaning of the Jesus message. I have particularly liked the six hour-plus presentation of “Jesus of Nazareth” produced by Franco Zeffirelli, starring Robert Powell as Jesus. It is a rare presentation that brings the story alive, and takes it out of the pages of dry church reading.  You cannot help but cry, and laugh, when viewing this unique presentation.  I have kept a Bible (Lamsa translation) handy when viewing this to see how well Zeffirelli brought alive these ancient writings. You will likely agree that he did a great job. Actor Robert Powell said once in an interview that this role “changed my life.” Indeed.

Though too many of us have gotten lost in the pre-Christian “Easter” symbolisms of eggs, bunnies, chocolate, pastel spring clothing, etc., it is still worth fighting to realize that there is still a real story here, about someone who worked hard, was ridiculed, laughed at, even killed, in order to  help us to save ourselves.   I have chosen to see the Easter story as a pattern that each of us should find and follow in our own lives.

And are there other stories out there which show this pattern in the so-called secular world?  Movie-makers have given us many such stories, but we don’t always see them for what they are.  If we consider the themes of the Easter story – humble birth, hard work, trying to rise above mundanity, showing The Way to others, some sort of “death,” and rising up again – then there are some excellent movies that give us this tale.

For example, you can’t go wrong with the classic “Whale Rider”.  If you’ve not seen it, get it immediately.  The grandfather of the  traditional village is hoping for a grandson to carry on the ways.  A girl is born, and grandpa figures he’ll  have to wait some more.  But the girl is “the one.”  She persists in  her path of learning the  traditional ways.  And when a test is given to the boys to see which one will become the new spiritual leader, the girl nearly dies, but passes the test.  She is the one.  You have to see it, and feel it, and experience that Saviorness can occur at any time, anywhere.  Of course, there are certain requirements, but chief among them is the willingness and desire to do the work required, and then doing that work.

“Powder” is another excellent movie that somewhat depicts the elements of the Easter theme, though not precisely.  It has been described as a secular story of a Savior, and his departure. It’s also worth watching to see how most of us treat our fellow man.

Yes, some of you will read your Encyclopedia and learn about the pre-Christian roots of Easter.  There is no denying that the Holy Day, as practiced generally today, has so-called “pagan” roots, because the Catholic Church chose to overlay their new traditions over older prevailing pagan traditions.  This may bother you, or it may not.  Either way, you can still observe this day and find the way to use the major themes for your personal upliftment, and for the upliftment of those around you.

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