Monday, August 21, 2017


[Nyerges is the author of several books, including "Til Death Do us Part?" and "Ancient Writings on Rock," both Kindle books. He can be reached at  IF YOU ENJOY THESE BLOGS, PLEASE FOLLOW! Thank you]

Astronomical events have been observed with awe, ceremony, and even fear for millennia. I choose to regard such events as opportunities. Whether or not the heavens and the positions of celestial bodies effects us will be debated forever.  Yet, we know that our reality is also created by the thoughts of others, especially the collective thoughts of “good,” “bad,” and any of the types of thinking and desiring that creates destiny.  That is, I acknowledge that the thinking (passive or active) of humans collectively does affect our reality, and in particular, my reality.

During our partial eclipse in S. California, we took the time to acknowledge the guardians of the 6 directions, and ancient ones, and our own teachers and mentors who have gone before us. While burning herbs and sharing our impromptu prayers, feelings, and desires, we spoke to each other of our hopes for our future, and for the future, and of those things (people, habits, stuff) that we would do well to leave by the wayside if we are to evolve.

The subdued light outback was noticeable, and we felt a different atmosphere as we spoke our words and shook rattles. Two green California scarabs buzzed about during the time, and a line of small birds tweeted their song as they sat in the bottlebrush tree.  A breeze began to flow through the yard.

Of course, everything in our life and in the world can be viewed only in the most mundane of interpretations, but we choose to also view their symbolic aspects.

The sun – the source of all life on this planet, and viewed nearly as a god by so many ancient civilizations – is temporary blocked out.  A symbolic death. A moment to think, to choose, to decide. And then, the light returns, and the darkness fades. Life, death, resurrection, reincarnation. Everything is there.  Today is the first day of my new choices, and wherever those new choices lead.

That’s what the eclipse meant to me.

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